Photograph of a field of cultivated sorghum plants with greenish infloresences.

Sorghum morphology and anatomy

Page snapshot: Introduction to the structure of the sorghum plant, including the morphology (form) and anatomy (internal structure) of stems, roots, and leaves. Also covers the organization of the reproductive structures.

Topics covered on this page: IntroductionStems; Roots; Leaves; Leaf morphology; Leaf anatomy; Reproductive structures; Inflorescences, spikelets, and floretsFruitsResources.

Credits: Funded by the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Page by Elizabeth J. Hermsen (2022-2023).

Updates: Page last updated January 31, 2023.

Image above: Field of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), New South Wales, Australia. Photo by Harry Rose (flickr, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license, image cropped and resized).


The purpose of this page is to introduce the basic structure of the cultivated sorghum plant (Sorghum bicolor). Generally speaking, sorghum is organized like other grasses in tribe Andropogoneae (the Bluestem or Sorghum Tribe), except that it has been modified by the process of domestication. The ways in which it has been modified vary according to the variety of sorghum. Generally, domesticated sorghums have tall, thick, unbranched culms (stalks), inflorescences that do not break apart when mature, and relatively large grains (although still smaller than some other cereal crops).

Photograph of a sorghum plant standing in an opening. The plant has a single thick stem bearing alternately arranged leaves. An inflorescence of greenish grains occurs at the top of the stem.

Photograph of a mature sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) plant, labeled. Photo by ABHIJEET (Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license, image cropped, resized, labeled). 


Cultivated sorghum has a single thick stalk or culm that ends in an inflorescence; the length of the culm varies, but grain crops may reach about 3 feet (1 meter) whereas biomass types may reach 20 feet (more than 6 meters). The culm bears about 15 to 17 leaves, depending on the type of sorghum. Unlike in many other grasses, the interior of a sorghum stem is solid in both nodal and internodal regions. 

Photograph of a field of tall sorghum plants being machine-harvested. The photo sows a tractor with a harvesting attachment on the front and a wagon behind. A man in an enclosed cab operates the tactor. The sorghum plants are taller than the tractor.

Tall sorghum plants cultivated for biofuel being machine-harvested. Photo by Claire Benjamin (PETROSS, TERRA-MEPP & WEST on flickr, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license, image resized).

5-panel image showing a series of fresh sorghum stems in cross section in an internodal region. In each case, the photo shows a stem that is solid and round in cross section.

Cross sections of stems of different varieties of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in the internodal regions. Scale bars = 0.5 cm. Source: Modified from figure 1 in Zhang et al. (2018) The Plant Cell 30: 2286-2307 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, image cropped).

Photograph of a stained cross section of a sorghum stem. The photograph shows a circular stem that has been stained blue. Darker vascular bundles are scattered throughout the stem. They are most dense near the periphery and less dense in the interior.

Stained cross section of a sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) stem in an internodal region, showing vascular bundles (dark dots) scattered throughout the stem tissue. This image has been labeled with different regions that were used in a study. Source. Figure 1 from Perrier et al. (2017) Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1516 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license).


The root system of sorghum is similar in organization and development to the root system of maize (Zea mays). The first root, or primary root develops from the radicle (embryonic root) of the embryo. Shortly after the primary root begins elongating, seminal roots (seed roots) also develop from the embryo, emerging from the region above the radicle (primary root). The primary and seminal roots are temporary, eventually dying as their function is taken over by adventitious roots that develop from the stem.

Sorghum develops two types of stem-borne roots. Some adventitious roots develop near the base of the stem and are completely underground. Prop roots or brace roots begin development aboveground and grow into the soil. Prop roots help to support the aerial part of the plant; the aboveground parts of prop roots are green and carry out photosynthesis.

Photograph showing the base of a sorghum plant with green prop roots emerging and growing toward the soil. One of the prop roots is labeled.

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) prop or brace roots. Photo by Steven Bozdin (iNaturalist, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, image cropped, resized, and labeled).


Leaf morphology

Sorghum leaves are organized like the leaves of other grasses. Each leaf consists of a sheath that wraps around the stem and an elongated blade that sticks out from the side of the stem and intercepts sunlight. The place where the sheath and the blade come together is the collar. The major leaf veins are parallel. The leaves lack auricles but have ligules. The last foliage leaf on the stem (the highest leaf) is called the flag leaf. The flag leaf is the leaf directly below the inflorescence.

Photographs showing four views of the leaf blade, leaf sheath, and ligule of sorghum. The junction between the blade and the sheath is shown in three views in the three left panels. In the fourth panel, the blade has been pulled down and the sheath pulled slightly away from the stem to expose the short hairs of the ligule.

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) foliage leaves. Left three panels: Three different views of a leaf showing the sheath and blade. Right: Close-up of a leaf showing the ligule made up of hairs and a blade. Left photos one, two, and three by Stefan.Iefnaer (Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license) and right photo by Rasbak (Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license).

Leaf anatomy

Leaf epidermis

The epidermis of the sorghum leaf is similar to that of other grasses. It has elongated long cells and shorter short cells, which may contain cork or silica. The long cells have wavy side walls. The silica cells contain bilobate, trilobate, or cross-shaped silica bodies (phytoliths). The leaves also have prickle-like hairs that contain silica bodies. Stomata (pores) occur between some of the long cells. 

3-panel image showing photographs of phytoliths from a sorghum leaf. The images show, from left to right, a bilobed phytolith, long-cell phytoliths with wavy walls, and a conical phytolith from a prickle-hair.

Silica bodies from the epidermis of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), from left to right: bilobate (from a short cell), elongated with wavy walls (from long cells), silica body from a hair. Source: Modified from figure 5 in Zancajo et al. (2019) Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 1571 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, image cropped).

Leaf vascular bundles and mesophyll

Like other members of Tribe Andropogoneae, sorghum is a C4 plant. Each vascular bundle has a bundle sheath made up of one layer of cells with large chloroplasts near their outer walls. As is common in C4 plants, mesophyll cells are arranged concentrically around the bundle sheath.

Photograph of a fresh cross section of a sorghum leaf. The photo shows three vascular bundles with vascular tissue at the center. Each vascular bundle is surrounded by a single layer of bundle sheath cells with bright green chloroplasts. Dark green mesophyll cells surround the bundle sheaths. One vascular bundle is labeled.

Fresh cross section of a sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) leaf showing three large vascular bundles, each encircled by a single-layered bundle sheath with cells containing chloroplasts; each bundle sheath is surrounded by mesophyll cells. Labels: V = vascular tissue, BSC = bundle sheath cells, MC = mesophyll cells. Scale bar = 50 microns (0.05 mm). Photo by Osamu Ueno and Yuhei Fuchikami (figshare, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, image cropped and resized).

2-panel figure made up of photographs of sorghum leaves in cross section. These leaves have been fixed and stained. Each photograph shows vascular bundles, each surrounded by a single layer of bundle sheath cells with  chloroplasts near their outer walls; the chloroplasts are stained dark blue. Mesophyll cells surround the bundle sheaths and have chloroplasts sparsely scattered throughout. In each image, labels indicate the epidermis, vascular tissue, bundle sheath cells, and mesophyll cells.

Fixed and stained cross sections of leaves of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) showing vascular bundles, each encircled by a single-layered bundle sheath with cells containing chloroplasts (blue dots) along their outer walls; each bundle sheath is surrounded by mesophyll cells. Labels: E = epidermis, V = vascular tissue, BSC = bundle sheath cells, MC = mesophyll cells. The two leaves in this photo were used in a study where they were grown in soils with different levels of nitrogen; the plant on the left (C) received less nitrogen, the plant on the right (D) received more. Scale bars = 50 microns (0.05 mm). Source: Modified from figure 4 in Makino and Ueno (2018) Plant Production Science 21: 39-50 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, image cropped).

Reproductive structures

Inflorescences, spikelets, and florets

Sorghum inflorescences are panicles. A panicle is an inflorescence with a central stem and lateral (side) branches. The lateral branches bear smaller inflorescence branches, called rames; each rame has between about two and seven groups (pairs and triplets) of spikelets. The inflorescence of cultivated sorghum varies in shape and size. 

Photograph of a ear or head of sorghum, India. The photo shows a conical ear of sorghum with off-white grains.

Inflorescence of cultivated sorghum or jowar (Sorghum bicolor) with mature grains, Maharashtra, India. Photo by MGB CEE (Wikimedia CommonsCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, image cropped and resized).

Photograph showing a field densely planted with sorghum. Each sorghum plant has large cluster of red caryopses near its apex. A low hill with patches of forest and open field rises in the background.

Inflorescences of cultivated sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) with mature grains, France. Photo by Jean Weber (flickrCreative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license, image resized).

The spikelets in sorghum are mostly in pairs, although the spikelets at the ends of branches are in groups of three. Each spikelet pair includes one pedicellate (stalked) spikelet and one sessile (stalkless) spikelet; groups of three spikelets have one sessile and two pedicellate spikelets.

The sessile spikelets have one fertile floret. The fertile floret is bisexual, meaning that it has both stamens (male or pollen-producing structures) and a pistil (female or ovule-producing structure). The pedicellate spikelets are either sterile or fertile. If fertile, the pedicellate spikelets are male.

Photograph of a group of spikelets of sorghum on in an inflorescence. Two pedicellate spikelets and a sessile spikelets in a triplet of spikelets is labeled.

Spikelets of cultivated sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). Sorghum has sessile and pedicellate spikelets. The sessile spikelets are bisexual (male and female), whereas the pedicellate spikelets may be male or sterile. Notice the feathery purple stigmas and the yellow anthers on the bisexual florets. Photo by Rasbak (Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license, image resized and labeled).

Photograph of spikelets of sorghum attached to an inflorescence branch and shown in two orientations. Labels indicate some key structures, including the inflorescence branch, the pedicel of one spikelet, two pedicellate spikelets, the ovary of a sessile spikelet, and one glume on the sessile spikelet.

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) spikelets in two views. Sorghum has sessile and pedicellate spikelets. The sessile spikelets are bisexual (male and female), whereas the pedicellate spikelets may be male or sterile. In this example, the anthers appear to have been lost, probably because the fruits are relatively mature. Photo by Stefan.Iefnaer (Wikimedia CommonsCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, image resized and labeled).


Following pollination and fertilization, the fertile bisexual florets mature into fruits. Sorghum fruits are caryopses (grains) that come in a variety of colors. Inflorescences of cultivated sorghum do not disarticulate (break apart) when they are mature. Inflorescences that do not break apart when mature are one of the common features of domesticated grasses that are grown for their grains.

Photograph of white sorghum grains.
2-panel image showing photographs of each side of a sorghum caryopsis. Panel 1: Image showing caryopsis with an oblong indentation where the embryo has developed inside the seed. The depression is labeled "embryo." Panel 2: Image showing a caryopsis with a dark, round depression near its base. The depression is labeled "hilum."

Two sides of a grain of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). The depression on one side shows where the embryo is. The hilum on the other surface is the attachment point of the grain. Left photo and right photo by D. Walters and C. Southwick, Table Grape Weed Disseminule ID, USDA APHIS PPQ (, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States license, images cropped).

A sorghum grain consists of an embryo and endosperm, which serves as food for the embryo once it begins growing into a seedling. The outer layer of the endosperm is the aleurone layer. The embryo and endosperm are surrounded by a thin pericarp, or fruit wall. 

As in other grasses, the sorghum embryo is complex. The upper end of the embryo is covered by a coleoptile, or protective sheath. The radicle (embryonic root) at the opposite end of the embryo is also protected by a sheath, the coleorhiza. A cotyledon (seed leaf) called a scutellum is attached to the embryo.

Diagram of a longitudinal section of a caryopsis of sorghum showing the embryo and endosperm. On the embryo, the scutellum, coleoptile, shoot apex, radicle, and coleorhiza are labeled. The endosperm, aleurone layer, pericarp, and. a vascular bundle entering the base of the caryopsis are also labeled.

Diagram of a caryopsis (grain) of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in longitudinal section, 20 days after flowering. Source: Modified from figure 3 in Shankar and Dayanandan (2020) Notulae Scientia Biologicae 12: 852-868 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license).



Glossary of botanical terms used in Poaceae (Flora of China online):

How a sorghum plant develops (Billy E. Warrick, Professor and Extension Agronomist):

Poaceae (Graminae) (University of Hawai'i):

Scientific articles and books

Clark, L. G., and E. A. Kellogg. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee, Flora of North America North of Mexico vol. 24. Poaceae. Accessed online at:

Kellogg, E. A. 2015. Flowering Plants, Monocots, Poaceae. The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 13, 416 pp. (K. Kubitzki, ed.). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.

Lee, K.-W., and R. C. Lammasson. 1968. The epidermis of the blade joint of Sorghum Moench. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 75: 55-64.

Out, W. A., and M. Madella. 2017. Towards improved detection and identification of crop by-products: Morphometric analysis of bilobate leaf phytoliths of Pennisetum glaucum and Sorghum bicolorQuaternary International 434: 1-14.

Shankar, S. R., and P. Dayanandan. 2020. Structure and histochemistry of sorghum caryopsis in relation to grain filling. Notulae Scientia Biologicae 12: 852-868.

Zancajo, V. M. R., S. Diehn, N. Filiba, G. Goobes, J. Kneipp, and R. Elbaum. 2019. Spectroscopic discrimination of sorghum silica phytoliths. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 1571.